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Posted 2 years ago

Article 3

If you want to move it, hover over the green button on the top right corner and click "Move Mode".

Shake it baybeeeee

function sluggify($url)
    # Prep string with some basic normalization
    $url = strtolower($url);
    $url = strip_tags($url);
    $url = stripslashes($url);
    $url = html_entity_decode($url);

    # Remove quotes (can't, etc.)
    $url = str_replace('\'', '', $url);

    # Replace non-alpha numeric with hyphens
    $match = '/[^a-z0-9]+/';
    $replace = '-';
    $url = preg_replace($match, $replace, $url);

    $url = trim($url, '-');

    return $url;

Posted 2 years ago

Article 2

Hello There.

This is where you edit your content.

If you want to edit this object's content, simply double-click on it, or tap once on mobile.

Once you are done, press the check button on the top right corner to finish editing. If you want to see all the text box options, click the cog icon.

If you want to move it, hover over the green button on the top right corner and click "Move Mode".

Enjoy writing notes at Note Canvas!

Posted 2 years ago

Article 4

The quick brown fox jumped over the ugly dog, or something

The quick brown fox jumped over the ugly dog, or something

The quick brown fox jumped over the ugly dog, or something

The quick brown fox jumped over the ugly dog, or something

The quick brown fox jumped over the ugly dog, or something

The quick brown fox jumped over the ugly dog, or something

Posted 2 years ago

And this would be the name of an article title.

Hello There.

This is where you edit your content.

If you want to edit this object's content, simply double-click on it, or tap once on mobile.

Once you are done, press the check button on the top right corner to finish editing. If you want to see all the text box options, click the cog icon.

If you want to move it, hover over the green button on the top right corner and click "Move Mode".

Enjoy writing notes at Note Canvas!
